In accordance with ARTICLE XII. INSPECTOR GENERAL, Sec. 2-423. Functions, authority and powers:
(4) Where the inspector general suspects a possible violation of any state, federal, or local law, he or she shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agencies. The county administrator and each municipal manager, or administrator, or mayor where the mayor serves as chief executive officer, shall promptly notify the inspector general of possible mismanagement of a contract (misuse or loss exceeding $5,000 in public funds), fraud, theft, bribery, or other violation of law which appears to fall within the jurisdiction of the inspector general, and may notify the inspector general of any other conduct which may fall within the inspector general’s jurisdiction. The county administrator and each municipal manager, or administrator, or mayor where the mayor serves as chief executive officer, shall coordinate with the inspector general to develop reporting procedures for not ification to the inspector general.
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